Friday, July 2, 2010

I wish that I could supply an original thought on the subject.

.... Love has been covered way too much for me to be able to do so. So, I'll keep this short. Once upon a time there was a 135 lbs., mostly Polish, slightly German, and slightly muscular boy named Conrad. I dated him for four months. I dated him because:

- His hair was blonde.
- His eyes were blue.
- He liked to cook.
- He liked to watch noir films.
- He liked to read.
- He was smart.
- Smart enough to enroll and be accepted into the University of Washington by his Sophomore Year of High School.
- We both liked Death Cab For Cutie.
- He was very nice to me.

Then, I stopped liking him because:

- He didn't call me. Ever.
- He was no longer very nice to me.
- He wasn't emotionally mature enough to sustain a romantic relationship on more than hormonal and chemical activity, and the sheer novelty of "us".
- He was bored, but not nearly as bored as I was.

He called on June 2nd, around 5:30pm, in response to 10 phone calls I had sent his way, desperately, in the course of one day, trying to get an answer to the dinner invitation my family and I had sent him, before they made plans without him. He said he was available for one hour. To talk about "us". He mentioned the following things.

- Was unsure
- Not enough energy for relationship
- Something about a "Spark"
- Something about "clicking"

I proceeded to cry a little, and stuttering like a fool, told him I would call him back. I didn't. This ought to be mentioned:

- They were tears of happiness.

And that's all I have to say about that.

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