Monday, March 14, 2011

What I did while I was away

Besides college admissions and a senior project? I have three Advanced Placement classes. One of them, art. Art takes up seven hours of my life, per week (minimum). I have 20 or so possible pieces for my Portfolio. Here are three.


French Horn#1 (I'm going to give it another go on a massive sheet of yellowed paper that I found in my art supply storage facility, and whip out the india ink.)

Autumnal Night (My teacher absolutely loves this piece for some reason.)

As for reading, I finished the Thin Man, by Dashiell Hammett, which was very good. I recommend it to any mystery or noir film aficionado. I also finished two books that are part of a series that a family friend is writing. The Body Finder series. ....Read at your own risk. I finished Pride and Prejudice, Othello, and Dante's Inferno. I also re-read The Hobbit and Beowulf, and read Heart of Darkness. Joseph Conrad really is magnificent.


amelia hearts whoring around on the www

Yesterday, I realized that I could never live without you.

I love the attention-whoreish work that is blogging far too much to ever let it go.