Monday, October 25, 2010
(365) Days of English Literature
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Want to Be Her

STEAL of the century
Sunday, September 19, 2010

Yes, I am most certainly back. With news that may or may have not yet reached ye readers. Lanvin comes to H&M November 20th.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Greatest Line of Carbonated Drinks To Ever Have Been Produced, No?
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Habits of A Well-Mannered Young Lady
Amanda, I made this for you. It's a guide to all "complimenting" techniques you will find yourself victim to as Freshman. Pour the Champagne, darling, because this is the beginning of the rest of your brutally hellish life! I hope you feel very, very special.
When walking through the halls of high school here, a female enters a classroom, and somebody will comment on that silver and burgundy circle scarf and then you’ll enter the ladies’s restroom in the C Hall, where ladies will be having that one conversation that you’ll hear different ladies at school have about once a week.
Pauline, that girl said your shoes looked nice!
I heard her.
Oh my God. I hate when people do that.
Yeah, because they never mean it.
Like, I know, right?
And when red head with too many freckles comes into the room to admire herself in the full length mirror, sporting a brand new blue chiffon jumper she bought this-ONE-time at-the-Urban-Outfitters-on-Broadway-and-oh-my-gosh-it-is-so-thin-she-has-to-like-wear- spandex-and-a-full-outfit-of-ludicrously-tight-clothes-underneath (idiot), Pauline does not hesitate to spread her deep and unfeigned love around, just as Barbara Stanwyck or whats-her-face-like-ohmygod-who-cares did previously in the hall.
Amateurishly, I will define the compliments as such:
Compliment: "You look good in those shoes", NOT "I like those shoes"
The Comment/sad/tired compliment: It really is just a comment that resembles a compliment. Some short person you've never seen before might be standing in your history class and say very dryly, "I like your shoes". Typically they show they lack any motivation to make you feel uncomfortable. But, they sound very unexcited about their liking your shoes. Sometimes they sound very sad about liking your shoes. Sometimes they sound like they might fall asleep to the liking of your shoes.
The Fake Compliment: A compliment that somebody obviously does not mean. Not to be confused with a Cake compliment, it's a very sneaky way of saying they do not "like your shoes" at all. They think they are unflattering, unattractive, silly, etc. Or, it's a sideways sort of way of telling you ought to feel that you look terrible, whether or not you really do.
The Cake Compliment: Where a comment compliment is spoken but it sounds "sugary", like a fake compliment. A weak attempt at a Fake compliment is what it is. They could potentially have some teenager not-very-nice or self-esteem-related motives, but their too afraid to go the whole 9 yards with their being pretentious and immature and silly.
There you have it. Your basic definitions. Not only can you identify them, but you know how to react; With immense confusion, with frustration, Or, with immense confusion!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Adventures in PepperLand
Friday, July 2, 2010
I wish that I could supply an original thought on the subject.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
She pulled a late-night Jenny Lewis!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Play it again, Frenchie.

Today I took to listening to all my French music. I recently pirated some Jacques Brel, because I couldn't stand listening to Zach Condon of Beirut's drunken rendition of "Le Moribond" any longer. I had a song by Brigitte Bardot, but when I looked into what music she made, I was dissapointed to find there was nothing that wasn't complete fluff besides "Moie Je Joue", the track I already have a copy of... which is, by the way, pretty much fluff. I also attempted to find some good Serge Gainsbourg songs, however I was mostly just entertained by the Bardot/Gainsbourg "Bonnie and Clyde" track, so this was really the only one I downloaded.
I also rediscovered Edith Piaf, and downloaded her music as well. Well, one song. I didn't really look that hard at all. I'm not doing a very good job, am I? If you are by chance an Edith Piaf fan, or at least know what she is famous for, you probably guessed that the song was "La Vie En Rose." Piaf wrote the lyrics, and Lous Gugliemi (or "Louiguy") helped with the melody. I believe this song became popular in the late 1940s. [As a side note, I must confess to you now, I am actually not a particular fan of fashion from the 1940s unlike many, but the music and films of the 1940s, I completely adore.]
I have seen bits of "La Vie En Rose" the film. If I may be so bold.... such a film isn't worth watching unless you want to know the details of a person's life. The problem with that second bit of what I said is that the movie is not completely accurate, because the fact if the matter is, is that Edith Piaf's life is shrouded in mystery. There were plenty of rumors and stories left floating around long after she had gone. That first bit of what I said, I said because I personally do not find movies made to depress entertaining, however beautiful everything in it just might be, although this really is all purely opinion.
It really was a brilliant song. I have listened the Madeliene Peyroux cover a countless number of times now. I have been playing it all day. Now I'm just wondering how long my addiction is going to last with all this French music. If you don't know who any of these artists are, you really ought to look them up! Listening to the music of these chanteurs and chanteuses is taking a good bite out of French culture. That, and most of old French songs sound very pretty.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Summer start now.
The great thing about music is that I never know where it will take me next. Doesn't that just sound stupid as hell? But, really, when heavy metal meets grunge meets old pop standards, meets indie, meets The Smiths, meets the honky tonk hour on you local independent radio station --- hard to say that tomorrow you won't start listening to early David Bowie and, I don't know, world music. I started listening to Beirut... Balkan Brass Gypsy Music and Grunge rock are two very separate things.
For those of you who (somehow) do not know, the summer here is good for seeing loads of amazing musicians. Our Bumbershoot Festival really IS incredible, most years, and we in general see tons of great artists and musicians at Seattle Venues throughout the summer months. I am particularly excited for July. We get to have MGMT play for the 2010 Capitol Hill Block Party. That's east of downtown Seattle. Yes... on a hill. I would describe Capitol Hill as a very, very mellow version of something slightly resembling the scene in, maybe, San Francisco, but sized down, with way less of the fun stuff; with lots of weird little restaurants, some really great cafes, and a couple very smelly and sometimes very overpriced consignment opportunities. The block party I have been to, but do not exactly remember (I was taken when I was about 3 years old by my father).
July might be one very busy month for me if I'm going to Capitol HIll Block Party, San Francisco, getting a summer job to save for a graduation trip (France) and finishing a large portion of my AP Studio Art summer homework. There is much work to be done needless to say. And I am still undecided about my Senior Project. Art show?
Speaking of art... we received all our artwork back from the school art expo, at last! I sent in my French Horn Sketch to a community art show. It was really the only piece that was, by my standards, "finished". I took all my unfinished and "unfinished" pieces home on Friday.
You know what really gets me? Those green "honorable mention" ribbons stamped on some of the pieces in the Art Expo. My tree was one of these pieces. Let's see, Kendra receives first place ribbon. Brendan receives second place ribbon. And... *mystery place* ribbon for Amelia! I don't know who was on the panel of judges this year, but boy, do they know how to make an intensely hard-working art student feel second-rate.
Special thanks to Ms. King for being one person completely in love with this thing. I honestly wish I could appreciate this tree as much as you do (especially after all the work and weekdays that I had to put into it).
This year nearly killed me. Thank goodness summer is almost here. And only one, single, torturous week left! Hallelujah!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Flowers For My Mother
I bought flowers for my mother. She threw them in the back of the car, and then threw her giant black pleather bag on top of them. Thanks, mom.
My mother and I have sort of a strained relationship. When I was a kid, she told me every detail of every relationship with every man she had ever known. But she never told me about her sexual orientation. ...It still does bother me that she never told me she was bisexual.
My mother rearranges the furniture in the house every time I come over for a visit. My mother buys all her furniture and most of her appliances at the local Goodwill. She, however, will spend $55.75 plus tax on Dior Concealer, and $30 or so on a new rouge lipstick from the ladies at MAC. My mother is a die-hard KISS fan, but the only music you hear in the car on the way to Tacoma is either the jazz station, or Billie Holiday. She has closet filled with purses (about 50 of them! it's incredible!) but never has been known to fuss about the clothes she put on before she walked out the door.
Whether I would like to or not, I'm becoming more and more like her. I do not need to spend a day with her to be reminded of this.
I recently discovered Mac lipstick sitting at the bottom of our old toy chest, and started wearing it to school and places where it is completely unnecessary. I also have what I consider to be a HORRIBLE habit... I find myself reorganizing my room.... for fun.
Lipstick. Check. Weird cleaning routines. Check. This is getting out of hand.
Anyways. This what Mother's Day looked like:
(Why, hello there...Russian brethren)
It was, first off, a beautiful day in Seattle! 67 degrees!
( We went to Jai Thai in Fremont )
Maman and... Brian.
This is a light fixture inside Jai Thai. It's a pretty big deal.
Lantern, I want you in my life.
Buddha has finished his meal. Now, he is at peace. All is well in the world.
What I like about photos that are out of focus, unlike very clear and focused ones, is that they respect the fact that what your looking is something of the past. Looking at a blurry photo, it's like looking at a memory.
And more later, because my computer is being dysfunctional now. Hooray!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Dear Amanda
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Je ne suis pas mariƩ
I look like a drug addict.
Overly distressed jorts, a black tank top so ancient that the side tag has completely fallen off, and one very old beaded necklace that one of my Dad's friends made for me in the 90s. And believe me, 4 or 5 straight days of sleep deprivation can really make you look like your damaged. If you saw my face right now I think you would understand, but I don't think we are going to go there, because, yeah dude, posting pictures of yourself in this sort of state takes courage, courage that I lack, and I don't really think you want to see my face like this, so I'm really just doing you a favor.
Down to business... this weekend I did a grand total of nothing a la nothing, except for make delicious crepes, braid several people's hair, prank call a single's hotline with a few friends, and start a minature potrait of Kate Bosworth in my Sketchbook. And, also, gain more French Vocabulary. I have successfully taught myself a series of phrases in case I want to pick up a few male prostitutes when in Paris or Marseilles (How's my breath?... Do you do this often?... I have MANY diseases....) Well I suppose saying doing nothing isn't entirely true. My dear friend Amandine and I went to the Goodwill very briefly. We also bought a huge pitcher of lemonade, and had a water fight outside. I also did something new... I climbed onto my roof for the very first time. It was actually really nice up there. Dangerous, however very nice, because the weather in Seattle today was FANTASTIC.
My spring break is this week, and I'm glad of that. This means that we get to enjoy a sunnier-than-usual vacation. It's rare that the weather is so nice so early, and I feel kind of bad, my boyfriend just left on a plane this morning to go to some small town in Florida to visit family, and although he is going to a fairly nice place, he is missing out on all of the what I consider to be very precious sunny days in Seattle. When I left to spend the summer in Arizona after the 6th grade, I came back and my Dad told me that the entire Summer her had been perfect, and that there was almost no rain at all, and even though I had just spent the whole summer enjoying dry heat, spending time with several friends, swimming in their swimming pools, I was still somehow extremely envious. Warm weather here is nice just because everything looks especially green and thanks to all of the vegetation it smells really wonderful when you walk outside.
I think tomorrow me and family #2 (that's my friend and her folks, the ones that want me to move in with them and make them dessert every day) are making Strawberry shortcake and possibly going to Scarecrow (that's the movie store with an impressive collection of ancient movies) and hopefully I can persuade them to rent Christmas in Connecticut, and then perhaps another Henry Fonda movie? We watched the Lady Eve last time I was over. And I have this huge obsession with Henry Fonda that I cannot seem to get past... I do worry for my sanity.
For those of you who have not seen this movie, The Lady Eve is about a con artist and her father who board a ship in pursuit of Charles Pike, heir to a fortune of his rich father, who owns a popular brewery. While trying to woo dear Charles, who falls for her immediately she ends up falling in love with him as well. When he finds out who she is later on, well, things don't look so good for either of them, and when Charles tells her they are through, admitting to have been on her trail for a brief time, she plans her revenge, and she gets even with good old Pike. And there is a happy ending too. Even after she gets back at good Pike, but I am going to cease from giving away the entire film, this is where I stop talking about it, and show something amusing from the movie...
I might just try and see if we can rent The Mad Miss Manton, Fonda and Stanwyck are really incredible together on screen.
Go rent an old movie, sit on the couch with your lovely girlfriend or boyfriend who did NOT leave for a week, who you won't have to wait to see until Saturday, eat some Strawberry and Nutella crepes, and if it is warm where you are, well, enjoy it, because it is not warm enough where I live, and I envy you.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Hi, everyone!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Today I found the pages from a summer that I really wanted to forget.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Collective Fashion Consciousness? Collective Asinine Absurdities.
I sit at my desk and I wonder why something is so amiss and then I begin to notice that folds and ruffles are protruding from places they really, honestly, should not on people... And then I scroll through 10 pages of lookbook, and it all makes sense.
Here is what should be understood...
Clothing is supposed to fit.
I believe that the clothing of a decade reflects that decade perfectly. You will look closely, and then you'll find that I am correct.
And it all really isn't the world to me, but when it comes to the stuff we wore when we were all young, I personally want to remember something better.
Don't you?